A list of things for October 2023

Every October, I take a trip north to the land of the House on the Rock. I have done this for several years now and I have written often about that weird and wonderful place. I suppose it's not for everyone, but I get a lot out of the experience of wandering through an otherworldly physical space that came into being just because some weirdo wanted to make it. It makes me feel that I, also some weirdo, can and should make whatever I want to make too.
(Note: I am still processing some of my House on the Rock photos, but I will post them on my website soon. If you're into that sort of thing.)
I also visited a pink elephant by the side of a Wisconsin highway. This is not as significant but it is kind of neat.

Anyway, here's a list of things I did or made or thought about in October.
- I posted a list of what I've been reading, watching, and listening to: Recently 24 October.
- In October, my little horror film podcast went to the suburbs. We released episodes on Poltergeist and The 'Burbs.
- I put together a list of horror writing markets for November.
- I went to Graceland Cemetery and took some autumn cemetery photos (the best kind of photos).
- I've got a new short story coming in the January issue of Black Petals, so keep an eye out for that.
- I've been reading A Philosophy of Walking by Frédéric Gros, which is nicely aligned with my own habit of taking longer and longer walks lately. He writes: "The walker and the philosopher contend with the same enigma: that of presence."
- I saw Frankenstein, a ballet produced by the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago, and it was tremendous. That particular run has closed, but if it ever crosses your path in a new incarnation, engage.
I also went on a cruise and to Disney World, both during Halloween celebrations, because that's how I do vacations.

October was incredibly busy for me and I'm looking forward to a quieter shift into winter. I'm pretty much updates-only on Twitter now, but I'm active over on Bluesky. I still have a handful of invitation codes for Bluesky so if any of my newsletter readers would like one, let me know. You can reach me by email about that or anything else at [email protected].
Thank you for reading! I'm grateful for you. 🖤